Digwyddiadau wythnosol

Event / DigwyddiadInformation/ Gwybodaeth
Messy Play session for parents and toddlers - Tuesdays during school term time RAY Ceredigion 01545 570 686 11am - 1pm
Clonc a Chrefft / Craft and Chat โ€“ make interesting craft items to take home - Wednesdays during school term time RAY Ceredigion 01545 570 686 11am - 1pm
Aberaeron Ti a Fi (baby and toddler group)

Every Wednesday in term time

Free play, music and movement, snacks for the kids and tea and coffee for the grown ups. All welcome parents, grandparents and Registered Childminders.
The Church Hall behind Trinity Church

915am - 1130am
Weight Watchers (every Wednesday 6pm)Holy Trinity Church Hall, tel: 07748 270439
Aberaeron Gateway Club - meets every Wednesday night
6pm at the Prince of Wales

Tel 07827 294151

Language Bar (every Wednesday night) Practise and maintain your language with a relaxed and friendly group!Castle Hotel 7pm

E-mail amiable@hotmail.co.uk for more information
Social Club โ€“ group for disabled young people aged 17 โ€“ 30 - First Friday of the month 6 - 9pm
RAY Ceredigion 01545 570 686 rayceredigionadmin@btconnect.com